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It's EOG's World - We Are Just Living In It

2022 Department of Interior Data by Company

It's EOG's World - We Are Just Living In It


2022 Department of Interior ("DOI") data detailing activity on U.S. Federal leases is trickling outExpect a handful of pieces from Enersection over the next week using the DOI datasetsCalendar year production data is not until May 2023, but we will soon provide analysis using fiscal year data to show county and state level changes2022 royalties paid by company have been releasedEnersection used royalties paid, estimated royalty rates and estimated oil prices to calculate 2022 oil production and the change versus last yearIt appears that for the first time since 2013, not only was a U.S. company a top-2 oil producer from Federal leases (BP & Shell typically), but indeed, it appears EOG Resources is now the number one oil producer from Federal leases

2022 Department of Interior Company Data

Shell paid the most in 2022 royalties, but due to a higher royalty rate on Offshore oil production, their production slipped below that of EOG.  

As always the charts are interactive on hover.

388 companies paid royalties to the U.S. government in 2022, the most since 2014

Estimated royalty rates and oil prices were used to calculate oil production.

Companies often change names, merge, acquire, etc; EnerWrap attempted to take some of these items into consideration vs raw data.

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