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U.S. Electric Vehicle Monthly

Monthly EV Sales


Please find attached our inauguaral U.S. Electric Vehicle Monthly, which tracks U.S. light-duty vehicle sales by category

Monthly data from the Argonne National Laboratory is wrangled and visualized to provide business insights

The latest monthly data (Sept. '23) showed U.S. electric vehicle (EV) sales were 241,763, up 2.8% vs last month and up 73.8% compared with last year

Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) sales were 104,015, up 4.7% vs last month and up 49.0% compared with last year

Non-Electric Vehicle (Non-EV) sales were 1,090,189, up 0.2% vs last month and up 10.7% compared with last year

Please see the attached PDF report

U.S. Electric Vehicle Monthly
U.S. Electric Vehicle Monthly