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  • U.S. Battery Storage Monthly

U.S. Battery Storage Monthly

Gross battery generation analysis

U.S. Battery Storage Monthly


Please find attached our inaugural U.S. Battery Storage MonthlyEIA datasets are queried and wrangle to provide insights into gross battery generation in the U.S.Although witnessing strong growth, gross generation on a LTM basis is only 4.89 TWHrsU.S. gross battery storage generation in August was 530,050 MWHrs, up 8.5% versus last month and up 52.2% versus last yearU.S. operating battery storage capacity = 15,756 MWU.S. operating and planned battery storage capacity = 45,198 MW

Please see the attached PDF report

Like many of our reports this data is not widely available (ie via the EIA API) and must be wrangled to provide business insights.  Feedback always welcome.
