U.S. Oil Production

Private vs Public Oil Production


U.S. oil production as of March was 13.18 million barrels per day, up 3.2% versus last year.  U.S. oil production has increased 29 of the last 30 months on a year-over year basis, with the freeze offs in January breaking the streak.  Year-over-year growth had a streak of 56 months from 2011-2015 and 38 months from 2016 to 2020.

At 5.58 million barrels per day, Texas represents 42.4% of total U.S. oil production.  It is worth noting that there is no significant Federal acreage in the Lone Star state, it is virtually all privately-owned lands.

The Federal Gulf of Mexico offshore region was 13.8% of U.S. production in March while New Mexico (largely Federal leases) registered at 15.3%.

These three areas combined totaled 71.5% of U.S. oil production.

During January private lands represented 72.3%, Federal offshore 14.5%, Federal onshore 11.9% and Native lands were 1.3%.

Private lands produced 9.07 million barrels per day while Fed Offshore & Onshore produced 1.82 million barrels per day and 1.49 million barrels per day, respectively.

Year-over-year growth was 0.5% on private lands, -5.0% on Gulf of Mexico Fed leases and 4.3% on Federal onshore leases.

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