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Weekly US Natural Gas Storage

EIA Release

Weekly Summary

U.S. Lower-48 natural gas inventories came in at 3,476 Bcf, lower by 14 Bcf on the week.  Lower-48 gas storage is 20.2% higher than last year and 14.5% higher than the five-year average.

Compared to last year, gas storage in the Pacific Region is 69.7% higher, and 25.7% above the five-year average.  Meanwhile, the Midwest Region is 15.4% higher than last year, and 12.5% above the five-year average.

Salt storage is 27.4% higher than last year and 9.2% higher than the five-year average.  Non-salt gas inventories are 11.3% higher than last year and 14.8% higher than the five-year average. 

Please see the attached report