The Nooner

Daily Energy News & Data Viz

January 10, 2024

 📈  The Nooner  📉

Better than morning or night, your midday Energy delight

Energy news delivered daily M-F 12pm CST

Top-10 Midday News Items to Make You Smarter about Energy 👀

 1️⃣  U.S. Carbon Emissions Fell in 2023 as Coal Use Tumbled to New Lows

 2️⃣  Higher Fuel Prices Could Lead To More EV Sales, Survey Finds

 3️⃣  2024 Predictions In Climate Policy — Interviews With Gabrielle Jorgensen, Mark Z. Jacobsen, & Peter Weiner

 4️⃣  Climate Change Is Driving a Sharp Drop in Snow Levels, Study Finds

 5️⃣  Oil prices waver after surprise inventory build in US

 6️⃣  Whirlpool to add more onsite wind, solar capacity at Ohio plants

 7️⃣  U.S. Overtakes Qatar for LNG

 8️⃣  EIA: US battery storage capacity to nearly double in 2024

 9️⃣  Texas regulators limit oil and gas disposal wells in bid to reduce earthquakes in West Texas - KPRC Click2Houston

 🔟  API Warns Biden's Oil Policies Threaten the Next Energy Crisis

 Last Five EnerWrap Reports 💡