The Nooner

Daily Energy Wrap & Data Viz

December 15, 2023

 📈  The Nooner  📉

Better than morning or night, your midday Energy delight

Energy news delivered daily M-F 12pm CST

Top-10 Midday News Items to Make You Smarter about Energy 👀

 1️⃣  IEA Says Evidence of a Slowdown in Oil Demand is Mounting 

 2️⃣  COP28 Starts to Crack a Tough Nut: Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Food

 3️⃣  The clean energy transition is here — and so are greenwashing claims

 4️⃣  Your Electric Car Battery Will Drain in Cold Weather, If You Let It

 5️⃣  Leading shipping companies move to halt journeys through Red Sea

 6️⃣  Brazil’s $4.4 Billion Energy Auction Sees Chinese State Grid Take Top Project

 7️⃣  World coal consumption reached record levels this year - but is expected to fall

 8️⃣  Chevron Slashes California Spending on 'Adversarial' Fossil Fuel Policies

 9️⃣  Guyana and Venezuela agree to refrain from using force to resolve land dispute

 🔟  US rules could force early production halt to some gas vehicles -- letter

 Last Five EnerWrap Reports 💡

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